Monday, 31 December 2012

THE 2012 Resolve
It seems as though I have survived the end of the world and am alive to ring in the New Year. I, like many did not truly believe that the world would end on December the 21st as the Mayans supposedly predicted, but on that day I found myself planning a contingency survival plan and torturing myself with thoughts of things that I wish I had done. If it came to that moment where I was faced with imminent death would I be happy with what I had achieved in my life? Would I be happy with the person I was at that time? Did I leave any morsel of legacy behind? Unfortunately, I fear, the answer to these questions is no. We has human beings strive to make an impact on the world, we crave recognition and fear the thought of forgetting or being forgotten so it is only natural that at the moment of our end we reflect on our past.
It’s December 31st, 2012, and I am inundated with thoughts of reflection and aspiration for the year that was and the year that is to come. It hard to believe that 2012 has passed so quickly; it seems that as I get older the years are passing me by and I am grasping at time. I clearly remember writing my post on my NY Resolutions for 2012 and I am now forced to reflect on these resolutions and see what I actually achieved.

2012, Resolution 1- To drive leisurely though Italy.

Well, I unfortunately did not make it to Italy. I had planned to travel there in June and teach Italian children English at a Summer camp, but this was put on hold due to work commitments (which were also put on hold until September). I instead found the courage to travel to Greece (alone) and spend 6 weeks of bliss relaxing on the island of Meganisi. I also managed to hire a car and drive around the narrow and winding streets of the island.
I think about my time spent on Meganisi every day and smile quietly to myself about everything I experienced. I strengthened old friendships and forged new ones. I found the courage to truly be alone and the strength to walk into a room without knowing anyone and make new friends. I learnt a lot about myself during this time and began to understand why I do the things I do. I also learnt the importance of eating while drinking Tsipoura, the beauty of stargazing in remote locations, the exhilaration of motorbike riding on hot balmy nights and why mojitos should be sipped and not sculled. My trip to Greece was and will remain one of the greatest moments in my life and I thank all my friends who made it truly special.

2012, Resolution 2- To fall in total and consuming love, or to be ready for this type of love.

I honestly did not expect anything to eventuate from this resolution. One generally does not search for this type of love, and after my past experiences I definitely didn’t think it would come to me. I imagined myself growing old in a nice house with a white fluffy cat.I guess I am one of the lucky ones because this love did find me and I can say that I am blissfully happy and blessed to have him in my life. <3

2012, Resolution 3- To learn fluent Greek

I unfortunately am yet to learn the skill of speaking fluent Greek; however my Greek has vastly improved since my trip. (Thanks to my local friends - you know who you are).  This resolution will carry on to 2013.

2012, Resolution 4- To achieve my goal weight & Resolution 7- To be confident enough to walk around the house naked

I’ve combined these as they are essentially of the same nature. My 2012 body quest unfolded like this;
Established devoted relationship with the Gym and kitchen
Broke up with kitchen, maintained gym
Got back together with kitchen
Broke up with gym
Got back together in the morning only to have broken up by the afternoon.

I have to say that my quest for health is one of the most frustrating aspects of my life and my head is generally to blame. While I have become an expert of talking myself out of my good intentions I have also learnt how to talk myself into things.

2012, Resolution 5- To write a book
Have decided that writing a book will take more than 12 months (especially when you have a full-time job and are attempting to study). 2012 saw the skeletal bones of a book and 2013 will see the fleshing out of the details. Stay tuned on this one!

2012, Resolution 6- To free myself from all toxic past relationships
Surprisingly easy, and so done. In 2012 I lost friends, gained new friends and realised how important true friends are.

2012, Resolution 8- To actually be confident enough to take pictures of myself and be happy with how I look

Well... have you seen my Facebook?

2012 was a good year, and I feel as though I achieved a lot. I finally found some inner gumption, travelled to Greece, London and India. Completed a 16 month project at work, visited the Taj Mahal and moved into my dream role. Moved in with my best friend and fell in love. Sure there have been hurdles and tears along the way, but I've learned to let go and accept that everything happens for a reason. 

my 2012 Playlist

My False, Matt Corby
No Diggity, Chet Faker
Mono Sta Oneira, Mihalis Hatzigiannis
 Dancing on my own, Robyn
Jamaica, Van She
 Pou Einai I Agapi, Mihalis Hatzigiannis
Even though I'm a woman, Seeker Lover Keeper
Drunk, Ed Sheeran 
Skinny Love, Bon Iver and Birdy (both are good!) 
Let her go, Passenger
Na Meineis Edo, Mihalis Hatzigiannis
Winter, Matt Corby
Safe & Sound, Taylor Swift
The Devil's Tears, Angus & Julia Stone
The Wilhelm Scream, The Bamboos
Desert Rain, Edward Maya

This will Be Our Year

To pledge a resolve is to create a wish-list of everything you want in your life for the year to come. Perhaps you will not reference it as a resolve, perhaps more of a goal. Whatever you term it, go for it, chase your dreams, have the courage to make the change you have been craving because you are the only one in control of your destiny. My 2013 resolutions are as follows;

Learn fluent Greek. I swear this resolution will be on my list for the rest of my life! But I WILL take a healthy step forward towards making this a reality. CAE here I come!

Finish my Naturopathy/ Nutrition diploma As many of you would know I am currently studying an Adv Dip of Naturopathy/ Nutrition. I am dying to get this finished so I start practising and really help people.

Get healthy!  I don't want to talk about 'weight' here, I really want to focus on getting healthy and respecting my body. I've cut out the ciggs and booze already (except the occasional vodka) but Id like to push it further and incorporate the Trinity.
  • Body. Mind. Soul
    The Trinity relates to holistic wellness. I am changing to a gym that is closer to home and offers classes such as Yoga and Pilates to mix up my exercise routine and create inner balance. I will also exercise my mind by taking short courses, learning new skills and taking the time to read a good book.Lastly I will look after my soul by being kinder to myself and others. I want to write letters rather than slap together a message on facebook. To get outside and experience the beautiful city that we live in and allow my soul to love and be loved.

    Settle down. I have moved homes 5 times in the last 4 years. 3 times in Melbourne alone. I am so 
    tired of packing and unpacking and up-rooting my life. I'm 25 and I'm ready for a family of my own and a place to truly call home. A place where I can buy furniture for the house that fits perfectly because it was supposed to be there. I'm ready for someone to look after me and I them.


    Sunday, 23 December 2012

    India 2012 Part 1

    Sunday Afternoon

    Sunday Afternoons Spent...

    • Recovering from sleepless nights
    • Baking traditional treats from the realms of my heritage
    • Laying on the shelly beach with the girls and cider
    • Skipping though my favourite blogs while eating marshmallows
    • Making diet and exercise plans with the utmost intent to follow through
    • Daydreaming of the greek island and missing my wise friend
    • Pondering the beginnings of an additional blog purely dedicated to skinny girl pictures to strengthen diet and exercise intent
    • looking for a greek school to start speaking and learning better greek