Saturday, 7 January 2012


I have had quite a lot of feedback about my blog of late, and it really is humbling to know that there are people out there who walk away with something after reading it, so thank you!

he concept of love is a topic which has been pondered for centuries and it has evolved with time. I can’t really define love; Id like to, but it seems impossible to really encompass it by way of definition. The feeling of love, I suppose is the ache and desire to be with a certain person. The butterflies and shortness of breath paired with long late night phone conversations and the idea of a lifetime together. I find the topic often presents itself when speaking with friends and I have been keeping those conversations in the back of my mind as if researching the subject subconsciously. As you would all know one of my NY resolutions is to find my way to ‘consuming love’? Is it unrealistic for me to pine for a love that is so intense that I couldn’t possibly live without the other person? Does that love exist or is it simply the definition of lust and once the lust fades you are left with whatever relationship bonds were formed at this time? I should point out here that I have been spending quite a but of time of late watching numerous romantic comedies and will also admit here that I am a fan of Twilight! Ok, moving on- I once heard that the prescription for the perfect marriage is to marry your best friend. I don’t necessarily agree with this statement. Sure your life will be happy and harmonious if you were living with your best friend but what passion could possibly arise from mere friendship?

I’m not sure if I have ever really been in love. I’d like to think I have, but then again I’d like to think that true love doesn’t fade it is eternal. A friend of mine believes that humans were never made to be monogamous, he is however a self confessed cynic. This brings me to the topic of soul mates. A soul mate is defined as two individuals who possess a divine connection be that of similarity, intimacy, intuition, spirituality or affinity. Plato tells us in his Symposium that man originally had four arms, four legs and a single head made up of two faces. It is said that Zeus feared the power of man so he split them in half and cursed man to forever search for their other half. Moving on from mythology to religion. Numerous faiths believe that a soul mate is a partner, which an individual had in a previous life who has been reincarnated only to find each other in the present life. It’s romantic to think that one could have a love that not only lasts a lifetime but an eternity. Id like to think that there is my perfect match out there in the world, but I also like to think that the universe brings certain people into our lives for specific reasons. Perhaps they arrive to teach us things, prepare us for events; even hurt us so we have the strength to deal with pain later in life. I guess it’s just a matter of us being ready to let these people into our lives so we can find what we are looking for.
Food for thought.
Xxx Benny


  1. Wow *-* Your last paragraph, Benny...Amazing... I'm Enchanted by the Stripes.. -TheOneWhoLikesyoUrstRipes- d=P

  2. Hi Benny. I believe in the possibility of an all consuming love. It can't be easy to find but thats what makes it so special when you do. I want to image there is someone out there that can amaze me in a way no one else can. Someone I that can make me laugh til i cry, cry til i laugh and miss so much I ach but love so deeply I'd wait forever to see once more.

    I know it exists but I also know it's rare. It's worth waiting for but it's something that will find you if your ever so lucky. The worlds a crazy place and it's hard not to feel lost in the traffic of lovers and image one day one moment may change everything forever but have faith im sure when we find it we will know to never let it go.

    Your sincerely Matt McConaughey

  3. Hi Benny,
    So I was never really sure I was going to find that ‘one person’ who was right for me, and who I accepted for both their positive qualities and annoying flaws (I’m the first to admit that sometimes I can be a little intolerant). I've been in love before but there was nothing that was telling me “hey, you, listen here, this is your guy” so I kinda just thought that there is no real way of knowing. After some heartbreak and too many awful dates than I care to recall (3 months of dating Ben then 24 year old who had never had a girlfriend) I began to build my life as a successful single gal, no love necessary. I was pickier with my friends and the people you got my time, graduated and moved interstate then overseas and did things I never believed I would be able to do COMPLETELY ALONE. I began to really love the person I am. Then sitting in an Irish bar one hot spring day the man of my dreams approached me, and 9 months later I have never been so happy. I have truly found the person who I completely accept, and who loves me unconditionally. Looking back I can see that my past relationships taught me so many things, like to put myself first sometimes, to not accept second best, and to stand up to people and say what I really believe in and value. I don't know if there is one person for everyone, but I now believe that when one of those special people comes along and takes your breath away, you know that it’s different, and yes you may have been in love, but it’s more than love. Life is about taking risks, and love is a risk, you just have to put yourself out there and see where it takes you!
    Heart you xx
