Wednesday, 9 January 2013

You want me to do what on that machine?!

So! Its day three of my official healthy eating plan and all is well. That being said I'm pretty sure I’ve left a portion of my body hung off the weights at the gym, that or I was sleep walking and was hit by a bus. It’s that good pain, the ‘I woke up muscles that I didn’t know existed pain’ and I am NOT looking forward to the second day burn.

This week has been interesting so far. On Monday I returned to my old gym, Visions at Hawthorn, which I have now re-named Bully-Bums at Hawthorn (thanks Ally!) based on the absolutely horrible experience I had. Now, I feel it unnecessary to go into all the details but lets just say Erik and I experienced verbal abuse from the owner over a missing hand towel. (No longer a member at this gym!)

Anywhooo I’ve been waking up early and preparing a proper breakfast and keeping my calories down to 1200 per day (thank you My friend Andrea has also taken me under her personal training wing and has been personally torturing me at her gym! She’s amazing to say the least and its because of her that I am feeling more motivated than ever to really dive head first into ab country. Thanks AJ!

Today I ventured to the Osteopath to ensure I was in alignment. Id never been before and was happily surprised by the results. Georgie, my new osteopath buddy is a gorgeous petite girl with guns of steel! The treatment started off with a half hour assessment, medical history etc and then moved into remedial massage to warm up the muscles. After some stretching she made some skeletal adjustments, a crack in the back here, several cracks in the neck there and finished off with some odd contortionist stretching that I'm sure looked murderous, but felt amazing. I left the clinic feeling stretched and straight and will return next week for more fine-tuning.

Now, as I'm writing this, a horrible person is baking brownies in my building and the smell of said brownies is wafting up the stairs. I have now resorted to stalking motivating images to help me keep on track… enjoy!