Motivation is a term
we so often use to explain our mental state. “Oh I am just not motivated to go
to the gym” but what is motivation
and why do we so heavily rely on it to govern what we do or do not do.
Now, I feel I must
state here that I am the number one culprit
for the latter statement and of late it seems that the lack of motivation is to
blame for every issue I encounter. To be fair, I’ll list a few of the topics
for which I have had no motivation to achieve.
anything I’m ‘supposed’ to do
Washing my
Walking up
the stairs
this blog
Going to
the gym
I could easily keep
going, but to ensure that my readers do no lose all faith in my abilities, I
will stop.
Okay. So this is what
I know about motivation- it’s made up of two aspects, Intrinsic and Extrinsic,
which refer to where one’s motivation is sourced and how it is driven. Intrinsic
motivation is motivation that exists within an individual and is driven by an
interest or enjoyment in the task itself where as Extrinsic motivation is
driven by external motivators and refers to the performance of an activity to
achieve an outcome. So based on that I can see that it is my extrinsic
motivation that is waning and it is this that I need to strengthen. But how
does one reignite motivation to achieve set goals?
I often find myself
‘falling off the wagon’ and losing site of goals that I set for myself, however
I usually only fall of said wagon when it comes to health and fitness but I
always manage to pull myself together and start over. But I have to admit; I am
becoming weary of continuously starting over. Lets take my trip to Greece as an
example. I am a planner; I will plan the
shit out of things. I am a classic reflector
and basically have a spreadsheet for everything. I easily practice the Sic Sigma methodology and when stress
and confusion arise I am quick to employ the use of a pros and cons list. So I carefully calculated the weeks until my
trip to Greece and planned a method to achieve my ideal bikini body. I was doing extremely well and managed to spread
the word and spark a fitness frenzy among my friends. I maintained this habit
for months and then all of a sudden, nothing. I just stopped. I blamed it on a
cold that I justified was the reason I could no longer attend the gym and by
the time the sickness passed I had lost all motivation.
Its now 16 days until I depart for my summer adventure and I am in a worse
place than I was when I started.
So its here that I
investigate the reasoning behind motivation, because mine is fickle and has led
me astray.
I’m currently sitting
in my usual coffee shop, taking a sneaky flexi day off work (thanks work) to
take control of all that is stressing me out and ready myself for my upcoming
weeks of excitement and change. I have decided to create my own methodology for
reigniting my extrinsic motivation.
Step one. Identify
goals. What is it that I need to achieve in the coming 16 days, once I identify
the necessities and I can plan (ha plan) a way to achieve these goals. Okay, so
for the purpose of this post I am going to focus on the goal that is concerning
me the most- health and fitness. I’ll admit I have, of late, been putting my
body through absolute torture and basically indulging in everything I am not
supposed to. Crap, the admission of self-infliction.
My health and fitness
goals include the following
alcohol. Yes, here it is for all to see! My best friend has this month decided
to partake in dry July, I have essentially lost my drinking buddy so this goal
should be easier to achieve than normal. The benefits of my abstinence from
alcohol include; the elimination of useless calories which equal excess kilos, deeper
pockets, better absorption of vitamins and nutrients and assistance with my
next goal…
No sugar.
The white devil. Sugar has become my heroin and my addiction to this substance
is doing absolutely nothing for my liver or waistline, so sugar my evil friend
you are out!
I am eliminating caffeine to give my liver a bit of a break. Our livers are
responsible for the elimination of toxins from the body and also the metabolism
of fat. If our livers spend too much time working on toxins then little time is
spent on metabolising fat and I don’t know about everyone else but I want my
liver to spend a hell of a lot of time metabolising fat.
on from caffeine is smoking. A habit I have picked up of late, and one that is
not only affecting my bank account but also my health, so smoking you are out.
The gym. The gym was my happy place, a
place I attended without second thought or qualm. So to restore our
relationship I will visit my boyfriend every day for the next 16 days to give
my body the kick it needs, starting today.
So there we have it,
five extremely difficult goals for me to adhere to for at least the next
sixteen days. I’m not going to lie, this is going to be difficult and it’s
going to be absolute hell, but in search of better things it must be done. And for
those of you around me during this time, I apologise in advance.
<3 benny.