Monday, 30 July 2012

Monday, 23rd of July 2012


oday I went to Fanari beach, one of the most beautiful beaches on the island. The only goal I had for myself on this trip was to get a tan so Fanari beach seemed like the perfect place to make this happen. I braved the thirty-something heat and trotted down to a small bus stop located a few metres from my house. Apparently there is a bus that goes to Fanari beach at 10:45 and returns at 1:00pm. At 11:10 the bus arrived (rolling my eyes at myself, should have known better, Greek standard time). Along the way the bus picked up a group of small children who were also on their way to the beach. Seven young, dark skinned, sun bleached children jumped aboard, unaccompanied. They would not have been any older than 10 or 11 years old. I love that about this island. Children are allowed to be children. They are allowed to explore the outdoors without fear of kidnapping or corruption, they are not cooped up inside addicted to video games or mobile phones and they grow up respecting their parents and their elders. A different sight to that of the city.  

The Bus stop and bus timetable

The road to my house

On the beach is a café adorned with palm leaves and beautiful outdoor seating. I took up residence here for a period of time to get some time out of the sun and enjoy a frappe. This café also happens to be the local gathering place for the majority of youth on the island. Everybody knows everybody so to walk into a place where no one knows you causes quite a stir.
‘Confidence’ I muttered to myself.
‘Confidence, you can do this without making a fool of yourself’.
Easier said than done perhaps but I strutted into the café and immediately sat down as coolly as possible at the nearest table and casually reclined into the yellow directors chair. I could feel their eyes burning into the back of me, not with malice but with curiosity, but they burnt none the less.

Tan Insurance 

Fanari Beach

Fanari Beach

Later in the afternoon a friend of mine joined me at the beach. I have known him going on eleven years, but this was the first time I have sat down with him to have a proper conversation. Our conversations revolved around politics, work, travel and the ideas of love and a higher power, slightly deep for a beach conversation I suppose, but an interesting perspective on Greek values and way of life. This conversation left me contemplating my past relationships and current situations and as the wind from the motorbike blew away the salt from my skin I knew something was about to change.  

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