Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Saturday, 4th of August 2012


have often believed that one does not get many chances in life and when a chance presents itself you must take it, hold it tight with both hands and never let it go.

Some chances come with risk and it can, at times, be difficult to calculate whether the chance is worth the risk. The risk of getting hurt (either emotionally or physically) or the risk of failure can be reason enough to stay comfortable and watch a chance pass you by.

I’ve had many regrets in my life, wasting time, bad decisions, poor choices, horrid haircuts and I've promised myself that I would no longer allow myself the opportunity for regret and while the pain of risk may occur I can at least know within myself that I tried.

As every day passes on this island I am feeling more and more at home and I am finding myself not wanting to leave. Soon my holiday will be over and I will leave my paradise and return to the reality of life back in Melbourne and while I love Melbourne I feel now that I am craving more. It’s interesting that the last two weeks have caused me to sit back and re-evaluate my entire life and everything I thought I wanted for myself.

My wise friend asked me the other day why I write every day and I didn’t really have an answer for him outside of ‘I like it’. I know now why I write. I write due to an overwhelming fear of forgetting. I am desperately clinging to everything that I am experiencing, learning and feeling so that when I eventually return home I will remember more than just the happy snapshot in the photos, I will remember everything.

I sign off with this; the chance is always worth the risk, regardless of outcome. Don’t waste your life wondering what if because life is too short to wonder.

I leave you with the words of Mihalis Hatziyiannis and a song that has fast become my favourite and seems fitting.

Ahh the Greeks, they know how its done. 

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